Two down and two more to go! We've heard from Zafirah (Book 1: The Heart of a Champion) and Mestari (Book 2: The Rise of a Champ), now we are ready for Ameka (Book 3: A True Champion) and Olympia's story (Book 4: The Champ is Here). We wanted to offer a glimpse into their world as you patiently wait for the release of the last two books. Twyla and I are diligently writing and working to get it out to you soon!
TEASER #1: Zafirah - THE HEART OF A CHAMPION (Available Now)
TEASER #1: Zafirah - THE HEART OF A CHAMPION (Available Now)

August 2017
A black and white framed photo of Muhammad Ali standing above his opponent was in plain view plastered on the wall as I walked through Champion’s Barbershop. Business was in full swing as the spicy smell of bay rum and mixed oils tickled my nose.
J. Cole’s lyrics, “We ain’t picture perfect but we worth the picture still,” caught my attention as I bobbed to the beat. Along with the music, the sounds of clippers buzzing filled the room with men laughing and talking.
As usual, when I did my weekly visits I ignored the distractions and went straight to the back into a private room where I would get on the laptop and oversee the back-office tasks of the barbershop. My dad, Isaiah Champion, not only owned the shop but had a reputation as one of the best barbers in Atlanta.
I wheeled the lone chair under the desk and cut the laptop on. The screen lit up when two knocks rang through. I gazed up to see the door opening slowly. Jet black hair with swirls of waves was the first sight. Immediately
thick eyebrows became visible with slanted eyes staring at me. Troy’s nose spread slightly as his perfect white teeth lit up the dark room. Somehow in the process of
setting up, I forgot to cut the light on.
His tall, muscular body slid in and he shut the door behind him. He leaned against the door resting the back of his head. No words escaped our mouths as we stared at one another. I finally sat down, crossed my legs one over the other, pushing back into my chair and took a deep breath while rolling my eyes.
Troy was a guy that my dad took under his wing many years ago when I was about 16 years old. I remember coming home from school and Troy was in our living room with his dreads pulled up into a ponytail with a bun talking to my dad. He looked like one of those dope boys from the local neighborhoods that stayed into unsavory things. Though my family lived in a nice area in Decatur and my sisters and I went to private schools, I was really
with the hood/local areas since my friends and I partied frequently with neighboring friends. Plus I was a major fixture at my Dad’s barbershop. Somebody always knew somebody, which caused me to become fairly popular in many areas.
Troy, however, was dealing drugs for years but thankfully avoided jail. My father always thought he was the voice of reason for many. Since he was born and raised in College Park, my dad had a heart for anyone in unfortunate situations. He wanted to give back to communities in and near his business, but Troy was his personal project and he was determined
to keep him on track.
Troy finally moved closer to me and posted against the desk, “Zafirah, what’s up? Clearly, everyone inside spoke to you but you brushed passed them without a word. What’s your problem?”
“I am grown as hell, I don’t need you checking me,” I spoke with an attitude. Truth was, I wasn’t in the mood to really talk to anyone. I had so much on my mind with trying to open my boutique next door. A few days prior I went to the Fulton County Auction to bid on a property that was specifically zoned
for community revitalization, and I was fortunate enough to win it. The only issue was what should have been a final bid of about $45,000 quickly doubled. I was only one of two women in attendance and the men present made sure to
overbid when they noticed me, they were like animals. Every offer I went for they outbid it until the property price eventually reached $80,000. Being the saver that I am and with my online boutique doing well, I was able to come out my pocket to fund a majority of my storefront boutique, but I needed to leave some cash in reserve in case of an emergency. I knew I could go to my parents, but I hated to ask for help. A business loan would have worked but I had to take an emergency loan out a while back to help my close friend with her business, so I needed another way.
He got even closer staring down at me, but this time his hands cupped my face, “Zee, you don’t scare me, girl. I can handle yo little ass.” Troy’s booming voice caused my body to shudder and the hairs on my neck reacted; I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.
He quickly removed his hand as if he didn’t mean to be so close, but he stayed glued to me. Close enough that his gold curb chain necklace tickled my shoulder. As I let out a deep sigh, I shrugged. “Troy, I have a lot going on today. I’ll make sure to speak when I come out of here. Happy?”
He shook his head with a smirk, rubbing his finger against his chin and contemplated his next move. His eyes scanned me from head to toe. But his vision remained affixed on my thighs for a while longer than he did any other part of my body. “Wanna do lunch and talk about it?”
I pursed my lips, “How about a smoke session first, then lunch?”
“Zee, you still smoke weed? We ain’t smoked together in years,” Troy’s eyes lit up. I stood from my chair and placed my hand to his hard pec, “No. But I can use it right about now. Haven’t been this stressed in a long time.”
I turned on my heels when I felt his hand grab the back of my arm, I didn’t look back at him, but his vocals were loud and clear. “You should pull down your dress before walking out.” That’s when I felt his hands brush against the back of my thigh. I looked down and felt my navy dress being pulled down from the back. My dress had managed to rise from me moving and sitting, and thankfully he was here to adjust it to meet my knees. Without looking his way, I whispered, “Thanks, Troy. You always looking out.”
“Damn Zee, the square footage in this place is nice. Like, I know you plan on having your merchandise out but what about the extra rooms in the back?”
“One will be strictly for alterations and my design space. I want all my equipment in one place and I need plenty of room to do it in. And the room across will be storage for excess merchandise because we won’t put everything on the sales floor. Not to mention the freeform layout of this place will create a stress-free shopping experience for my customers, and I plan to change the light fixtures for a more elegant feel.” I pranced around throwing my hands from one spot to another. I couldn’t contain my excitement.
Sashaying near the front I showed her my plans on using the feng shui concept
to reel people into my shop and how important it is to make the decompression zone, which is in the center when you first walk into the store, friendly for all buyers. That’s the first thing buyers see so I didn’t want it to look too expensive or too cheap. I was about creating a space that sold products that were
affordable for the average woman. I was schooling my bestie Danielle because she was an up and coming designer as well and anything I learned during my journey, I’d always pass it along to her. “Did you know at least 90% of people who walk into a store veers to their right first? That’s why this area here, something I’d call my power wall, will contain hot items and my goal is to tell a story with every one of my pieces.”
Danielle’s Terra-Cotta skin glistened from the sun beaming in, and her deep brown freckles sparkled. Her cute gap flashed as she smiled, shaking her head. Being besties since eleventh grade presented its own set of issues as we navigated from kids to adults, but we always remained friends despite our ups and downs. Since I knew her so well, I was willing to bet that she was thinking about how overly ambitious I was. She always said I’m not ever satisfied, but the truth is, I grind for what I want. Nothing wrong with me competing with myself, I mean why not? I stay in my lane and mind my business.
“You inspire me, Zee. Like for real, I can’t wait to boss up like that.”
I spun around quickly to eye her. “Dani, you been bossin’ up, don’t let what I’m doing make you think you aren’t doing enough. It took me years of saving and investing to get here. Your time is coming! Just keep up with the game plan we created, and your money will get there. You know I got you. Man, please, you doing better than a lot of these folks out there and all while raising your daughter. You the real MVP. If I don’t say it enough, I’m saying it now, I’m fucking proud of you bitch.”
She fought back tears while squeezing her eyes shut. She was always so negative and hard on herself, but if I was around I would make sure to uplift her. “Thanks, Zee,” she sniffled.
“You wanna know a secret?” I shouted.
She shook her head side to side with a puzzled expression. “It seems like all my shit together and I thought I had all the money put away for this boutique, but I’m actually still a few thousand short.”
“Oh my God, what are you gonna do?” She questioned with her fingers gripping her head.
“You know I ain’t gon’ ask no one to borrow any money, so I will fund it myself. I make a few grand monthly through my online store sales anyways. But you know I’m big on saving and that was my goal when I thought I had enough money for this location. I put my deposit down and still have about 45-days to come up with the remainder, so that's more than enough time.”
"How much are you short? I checked the property value and this place is worth at least $115K."
I wanted to answer her truthfully, but again, I knew how funny she was and I knew she could be discouraging. “I told you already. A few grand. But I’m not worried, I’ll get it.”
“Whatever. Your family got it and you have connections, so funding shouldn’t be an issue. But I'm not surprised, Zee. You let your ego and pride get in the way when you could easily get help.”
“Yo, yo! What’s good?” Both Danielle and I shifted our focus on the throaty voice piercing our ears. There stood pretty boy Damon. His high yellow ass thought he was it too. Damon used to run the streets but now owned a few car
washes and flipped residential properties. He never got his hands dirty but always had the money to do whatever.
I lifted my head with a nod, but Danielle was cheesing. She claimed she didn’t like dude but from the way she bit her lip staring at him seductively, I begged to differ. He walked in and looked around. “This place gon’ be dope once you get your shop running. I overheard you mentioning being short. How much you need? I could front you.”
“Front me?” My bones clattered at the mere thought of taking his money. “Dude, you know damn well I can get the money from my parents or sister, but I will not ask because I can get it myself.” At first, my attitude was on 100, but then I changed it up because I realized I was overreacting and that Damon didn’t really know me like that, but I also didn’t need him thinking I needed his help. My hands shot up as I explained, “My bad, Damon. I’m trippin’, but for real, I’m good. Thanks for offering.”
“No hard feelings lil’ mama. Your pops been real good to everyone and I’m here if you ever need it, that’s all. Plus, you kinda owe me dinner after I saved you from losing more money than you already did at the auction.”
Damn, he did help me out. While the men were doing their best to outbid me, Damon said something to the crew and the next thing I knew, they settled down and stopped bidding. I wasn’t sure how he did it, but he did. And I was thankful for that.
“I appreciate it, I really do Damon. But I have a lot going on and dinner isn’t something I’m tryna do right now. It’s nice seeing you though.” I was trying to dismiss him, thankfully he understood and made his way out while looking back and smiling at me. I had an idea that this wouldn’t be his last time shooting his shot. Danielle and I continued our talk until my stomach rumbled. “Damn you hungry too?” Danielle asked and rubbed her stomach.
Hungry was an understatement. I woke up around 5 am for my daily workout and after that I met with both of my younger sisters Ameka and Star, to figure out a marketing plan for my brand. They were the best for this since Ameka owned ARC Branding and Marketing Firm, and Star was the VP of Community & Customer Success. After our long and exhaustive meeting, I went straight to Champion’s Barbershop to handle everything administratively for the shop while the men handled the services. Well, we had one lady that cut hair too but other than that, all other seats belonged to male barbers.
I pulled my phone out my fanny pack to check the time since the sun seemed to be setting. “I see why I’m starving, it’s already 7 pm. Let’s grab a bite up the street and then go our separate ways.”
Upon walking out, I noticed my dad’s shop was still packed, which was crazy because they only had an hour left before closing. As I opened the car door to my all white Acura ILX, I heard a familiar, yet authoritative voice yell my name. “Don’t ignore me, little girl.” I knew then it was my big sister, Olympia.
She quickly made it over to me and barely waved to Danielle as she pulled me to the side. “Yes, mother dearest,” I moped to Olympia.
“Oh, girl, hush. I don’t want anything. I just had dinner with mom and stopped by to see daddy at the shop since it was on my way home. I saw you walking towards your car while I was getting ready to leave, so I came to get all up in your business. What’s going on with you?”
I wrapped my hands around her waist and placed a kiss to her cheek. “I planned to call you tonight actually.”
Then I pointed to the building standing next to my dad’s barbershop, “You see that place? I purchased it during a county auction and will own it outright for my storefront. I wanted to share that with you because if nothing else, you know what it’s like to build a business with a physical property.”
“OMG, Firah! Can I see it? Why were you keeping it a secret?”
“Damn right you can, and it wasn’t a secret, I just wanted to make sure everything worked out first.”
“I see that little hanger-on over there is still in your circle, I’m not sure why you still rock with her.” O rolled her neck in disgust. Olympia never cared for Danielle and she didn’t sugarcoat it. I guess that’s why she didn’t verbally speak to her. Instead of responding, I just smirked as we walked into the building.
Olympia raved and touched everything from the walls, flooring, fixtures, and anything in between. “Zafirah Champion, you are amazing. This place is beautiful, and it’s not even furnished yet. And I know once you add your magic touch, it will only enhance it. Plus, I love the idea of you being next door to Daddy. Let me find out y’all tryna take over the block!” I pushed away to respond, “you mean ‘My Daddy.’” I was such a daddy’s girl that I always claimed him as mine.
O snickered while squeezing and rocking me back and forth. I wasn’t the most sentimental, but a hug from O was always welcome. I looked at her oversized golden-yellow sweater that fell nicely over her grey leggings that flaunted her curvaceous hips. She was thicker with way more boobs, hips, and ass than me but she carried it very well. My sister was stacked. No wonder cuddling with her was always a favorite for me at one point. I loved my sister dearly.
“Is there anything I can do to make the process easier for you? I know you been saving your money, but sometimes unexpected expenses arise.” I knew she would be able to tell if I was lying, so I moved out of her reach and pretended to be looking at paint samples on the other side of the room.
I genuinely contemplated her offer, but the way I’m set up, I wouldn’t take it. I wanted to do this all on my own. I’d keep that in the back of my mind if I wasn’t able to come up with the money in enough time.
“O, I would let you know if I needed help.”
Her hands dropped to her hips as she leaned into a stance, “Zafirah, no you wouldn’t. Stop lying. But just know, if you need any money, advice, or anything, I am here. Big sis got your back. And remember, I’m not a hanger-on.”
I buried my face into her shoulder, and once again put all my emotions into this hug with her, “That’s why I fuck with you. Ooh, I love you, O!”
August 2017
A black and white framed photo of Muhammad Ali standing above his opponent was in plain view plastered on the wall as I walked through Champion’s Barbershop. Business was in full swing as the spicy smell of bay rum and mixed oils tickled my nose.
J. Cole’s lyrics, “We ain’t picture perfect but we worth the picture still,” caught my attention as I bobbed to the beat. Along with the music, the sounds of clippers buzzing filled the room with men laughing and talking.
As usual, when I did my weekly visits I ignored the distractions and went straight to the back into a private room where I would get on the laptop and oversee the back-office tasks of the barbershop. My dad, Isaiah Champion, not only owned the shop but had a reputation as one of the best barbers in Atlanta.
I wheeled the lone chair under the desk and cut the laptop on. The screen lit up when two knocks rang through. I gazed up to see the door opening slowly. Jet black hair with swirls of waves was the first sight. Immediately
thick eyebrows became visible with slanted eyes staring at me. Troy’s nose spread slightly as his perfect white teeth lit up the dark room. Somehow in the process of
setting up, I forgot to cut the light on.
His tall, muscular body slid in and he shut the door behind him. He leaned against the door resting the back of his head. No words escaped our mouths as we stared at one another. I finally sat down, crossed my legs one over the other, pushing back into my chair and took a deep breath while rolling my eyes.
Troy was a guy that my dad took under his wing many years ago when I was about 16 years old. I remember coming home from school and Troy was in our living room with his dreads pulled up into a ponytail with a bun talking to my dad. He looked like one of those dope boys from the local neighborhoods that stayed into unsavory things. Though my family lived in a nice area in Decatur and my sisters and I went to private schools, I was really
with the hood/local areas since my friends and I partied frequently with neighboring friends. Plus I was a major fixture at my Dad’s barbershop. Somebody always knew somebody, which caused me to become fairly popular in many areas.
Troy, however, was dealing drugs for years but thankfully avoided jail. My father always thought he was the voice of reason for many. Since he was born and raised in College Park, my dad had a heart for anyone in unfortunate situations. He wanted to give back to communities in and near his business, but Troy was his personal project and he was determined
to keep him on track.
Troy finally moved closer to me and posted against the desk, “Zafirah, what’s up? Clearly, everyone inside spoke to you but you brushed passed them without a word. What’s your problem?”
“I am grown as hell, I don’t need you checking me,” I spoke with an attitude. Truth was, I wasn’t in the mood to really talk to anyone. I had so much on my mind with trying to open my boutique next door. A few days prior I went to the Fulton County Auction to bid on a property that was specifically zoned
for community revitalization, and I was fortunate enough to win it. The only issue was what should have been a final bid of about $45,000 quickly doubled. I was only one of two women in attendance and the men present made sure to
overbid when they noticed me, they were like animals. Every offer I went for they outbid it until the property price eventually reached $80,000. Being the saver that I am and with my online boutique doing well, I was able to come out my pocket to fund a majority of my storefront boutique, but I needed to leave some cash in reserve in case of an emergency. I knew I could go to my parents, but I hated to ask for help. A business loan would have worked but I had to take an emergency loan out a while back to help my close friend with her business, so I needed another way.
He got even closer staring down at me, but this time his hands cupped my face, “Zee, you don’t scare me, girl. I can handle yo little ass.” Troy’s booming voice caused my body to shudder and the hairs on my neck reacted; I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.
He quickly removed his hand as if he didn’t mean to be so close, but he stayed glued to me. Close enough that his gold curb chain necklace tickled my shoulder. As I let out a deep sigh, I shrugged. “Troy, I have a lot going on today. I’ll make sure to speak when I come out of here. Happy?”
He shook his head with a smirk, rubbing his finger against his chin and contemplated his next move. His eyes scanned me from head to toe. But his vision remained affixed on my thighs for a while longer than he did any other part of my body. “Wanna do lunch and talk about it?”
I pursed my lips, “How about a smoke session first, then lunch?”
“Zee, you still smoke weed? We ain’t smoked together in years,” Troy’s eyes lit up. I stood from my chair and placed my hand to his hard pec, “No. But I can use it right about now. Haven’t been this stressed in a long time.”
I turned on my heels when I felt his hand grab the back of my arm, I didn’t look back at him, but his vocals were loud and clear. “You should pull down your dress before walking out.” That’s when I felt his hands brush against the back of my thigh. I looked down and felt my navy dress being pulled down from the back. My dress had managed to rise from me moving and sitting, and thankfully he was here to adjust it to meet my knees. Without looking his way, I whispered, “Thanks, Troy. You always looking out.”
“Damn Zee, the square footage in this place is nice. Like, I know you plan on having your merchandise out but what about the extra rooms in the back?”
“One will be strictly for alterations and my design space. I want all my equipment in one place and I need plenty of room to do it in. And the room across will be storage for excess merchandise because we won’t put everything on the sales floor. Not to mention the freeform layout of this place will create a stress-free shopping experience for my customers, and I plan to change the light fixtures for a more elegant feel.” I pranced around throwing my hands from one spot to another. I couldn’t contain my excitement.
Sashaying near the front I showed her my plans on using the feng shui concept
to reel people into my shop and how important it is to make the decompression zone, which is in the center when you first walk into the store, friendly for all buyers. That’s the first thing buyers see so I didn’t want it to look too expensive or too cheap. I was about creating a space that sold products that were
affordable for the average woman. I was schooling my bestie Danielle because she was an up and coming designer as well and anything I learned during my journey, I’d always pass it along to her. “Did you know at least 90% of people who walk into a store veers to their right first? That’s why this area here, something I’d call my power wall, will contain hot items and my goal is to tell a story with every one of my pieces.”
Danielle’s Terra-Cotta skin glistened from the sun beaming in, and her deep brown freckles sparkled. Her cute gap flashed as she smiled, shaking her head. Being besties since eleventh grade presented its own set of issues as we navigated from kids to adults, but we always remained friends despite our ups and downs. Since I knew her so well, I was willing to bet that she was thinking about how overly ambitious I was. She always said I’m not ever satisfied, but the truth is, I grind for what I want. Nothing wrong with me competing with myself, I mean why not? I stay in my lane and mind my business.
“You inspire me, Zee. Like for real, I can’t wait to boss up like that.”
I spun around quickly to eye her. “Dani, you been bossin’ up, don’t let what I’m doing make you think you aren’t doing enough. It took me years of saving and investing to get here. Your time is coming! Just keep up with the game plan we created, and your money will get there. You know I got you. Man, please, you doing better than a lot of these folks out there and all while raising your daughter. You the real MVP. If I don’t say it enough, I’m saying it now, I’m fucking proud of you bitch.”
She fought back tears while squeezing her eyes shut. She was always so negative and hard on herself, but if I was around I would make sure to uplift her. “Thanks, Zee,” she sniffled.
“You wanna know a secret?” I shouted.
She shook her head side to side with a puzzled expression. “It seems like all my shit together and I thought I had all the money put away for this boutique, but I’m actually still a few thousand short.”
“Oh my God, what are you gonna do?” She questioned with her fingers gripping her head.
“You know I ain’t gon’ ask no one to borrow any money, so I will fund it myself. I make a few grand monthly through my online store sales anyways. But you know I’m big on saving and that was my goal when I thought I had enough money for this location. I put my deposit down and still have about 45-days to come up with the remainder, so that's more than enough time.”
"How much are you short? I checked the property value and this place is worth at least $115K."
I wanted to answer her truthfully, but again, I knew how funny she was and I knew she could be discouraging. “I told you already. A few grand. But I’m not worried, I’ll get it.”
“Whatever. Your family got it and you have connections, so funding shouldn’t be an issue. But I'm not surprised, Zee. You let your ego and pride get in the way when you could easily get help.”
“Yo, yo! What’s good?” Both Danielle and I shifted our focus on the throaty voice piercing our ears. There stood pretty boy Damon. His high yellow ass thought he was it too. Damon used to run the streets but now owned a few car
washes and flipped residential properties. He never got his hands dirty but always had the money to do whatever.
I lifted my head with a nod, but Danielle was cheesing. She claimed she didn’t like dude but from the way she bit her lip staring at him seductively, I begged to differ. He walked in and looked around. “This place gon’ be dope once you get your shop running. I overheard you mentioning being short. How much you need? I could front you.”
“Front me?” My bones clattered at the mere thought of taking his money. “Dude, you know damn well I can get the money from my parents or sister, but I will not ask because I can get it myself.” At first, my attitude was on 100, but then I changed it up because I realized I was overreacting and that Damon didn’t really know me like that, but I also didn’t need him thinking I needed his help. My hands shot up as I explained, “My bad, Damon. I’m trippin’, but for real, I’m good. Thanks for offering.”
“No hard feelings lil’ mama. Your pops been real good to everyone and I’m here if you ever need it, that’s all. Plus, you kinda owe me dinner after I saved you from losing more money than you already did at the auction.”
Damn, he did help me out. While the men were doing their best to outbid me, Damon said something to the crew and the next thing I knew, they settled down and stopped bidding. I wasn’t sure how he did it, but he did. And I was thankful for that.
“I appreciate it, I really do Damon. But I have a lot going on and dinner isn’t something I’m tryna do right now. It’s nice seeing you though.” I was trying to dismiss him, thankfully he understood and made his way out while looking back and smiling at me. I had an idea that this wouldn’t be his last time shooting his shot. Danielle and I continued our talk until my stomach rumbled. “Damn you hungry too?” Danielle asked and rubbed her stomach.
Hungry was an understatement. I woke up around 5 am for my daily workout and after that I met with both of my younger sisters Ameka and Star, to figure out a marketing plan for my brand. They were the best for this since Ameka owned ARC Branding and Marketing Firm, and Star was the VP of Community & Customer Success. After our long and exhaustive meeting, I went straight to Champion’s Barbershop to handle everything administratively for the shop while the men handled the services. Well, we had one lady that cut hair too but other than that, all other seats belonged to male barbers.
I pulled my phone out my fanny pack to check the time since the sun seemed to be setting. “I see why I’m starving, it’s already 7 pm. Let’s grab a bite up the street and then go our separate ways.”
Upon walking out, I noticed my dad’s shop was still packed, which was crazy because they only had an hour left before closing. As I opened the car door to my all white Acura ILX, I heard a familiar, yet authoritative voice yell my name. “Don’t ignore me, little girl.” I knew then it was my big sister, Olympia.
She quickly made it over to me and barely waved to Danielle as she pulled me to the side. “Yes, mother dearest,” I moped to Olympia.
“Oh, girl, hush. I don’t want anything. I just had dinner with mom and stopped by to see daddy at the shop since it was on my way home. I saw you walking towards your car while I was getting ready to leave, so I came to get all up in your business. What’s going on with you?”
I wrapped my hands around her waist and placed a kiss to her cheek. “I planned to call you tonight actually.”
Then I pointed to the building standing next to my dad’s barbershop, “You see that place? I purchased it during a county auction and will own it outright for my storefront. I wanted to share that with you because if nothing else, you know what it’s like to build a business with a physical property.”
“OMG, Firah! Can I see it? Why were you keeping it a secret?”
“Damn right you can, and it wasn’t a secret, I just wanted to make sure everything worked out first.”
“I see that little hanger-on over there is still in your circle, I’m not sure why you still rock with her.” O rolled her neck in disgust. Olympia never cared for Danielle and she didn’t sugarcoat it. I guess that’s why she didn’t verbally speak to her. Instead of responding, I just smirked as we walked into the building.
Olympia raved and touched everything from the walls, flooring, fixtures, and anything in between. “Zafirah Champion, you are amazing. This place is beautiful, and it’s not even furnished yet. And I know once you add your magic touch, it will only enhance it. Plus, I love the idea of you being next door to Daddy. Let me find out y’all tryna take over the block!” I pushed away to respond, “you mean ‘My Daddy.’” I was such a daddy’s girl that I always claimed him as mine.
O snickered while squeezing and rocking me back and forth. I wasn’t the most sentimental, but a hug from O was always welcome. I looked at her oversized golden-yellow sweater that fell nicely over her grey leggings that flaunted her curvaceous hips. She was thicker with way more boobs, hips, and ass than me but she carried it very well. My sister was stacked. No wonder cuddling with her was always a favorite for me at one point. I loved my sister dearly.
“Is there anything I can do to make the process easier for you? I know you been saving your money, but sometimes unexpected expenses arise.” I knew she would be able to tell if I was lying, so I moved out of her reach and pretended to be looking at paint samples on the other side of the room.
I genuinely contemplated her offer, but the way I’m set up, I wouldn’t take it. I wanted to do this all on my own. I’d keep that in the back of my mind if I wasn’t able to come up with the money in enough time.
“O, I would let you know if I needed help.”
Her hands dropped to her hips as she leaned into a stance, “Zafirah, no you wouldn’t. Stop lying. But just know, if you need any money, advice, or anything, I am here. Big sis got your back. And remember, I’m not a hanger-on.”
I buried my face into her shoulder, and once again put all my emotions into this hug with her, “That’s why I fuck with you. Ooh, I love you, O!”
Chapter 1: Mestari
"Dammit!" I knew no one could hear me as I was in the car alone, but I felt the
need to voice my frustration even if only to myself. Once again I forgot to arrange for Karter to be picked up from daycare. Usually, my sister and bestie by default, Ameka, as on Karter pickup duty, but she informed me weeks ago that she had an important meeting and wouldn't be able to do it today. I knew my other sisters were out of the question as their schedule didn't allow for any last minute add ons like this. Sheesh, what was the purpose of having three older sisters and both my parents if they couldn't help out in an emergency?
Times like this really made me feel the effects of being a single mom, even if it was out of my control as to why I was in this situation. Thinking about Kareem's
absence over the last five years automatically made my mind go to Kabir. He did tell me to call him if I ever needed anything, and he was sort of like Karter's Godfather. I mean, this does qualify as an emergency since there was no way I would make it clear across town in enough time to get to Karter before the childcare center closed and it was near Kabir's house.
When the call connected, his deep voice filled the space of my car. "Hey Kabe, it's me Star. Sorry to call you at the last minute, but is there any way possible you could pick up Karter from daycare? It's 5:40 and he has to be picked up by 6:00 and there's no way I will make it to that side of town in time." I got everything out in one breath and hoped that he was able to understand and pick up on the urgency in my voice.
"Mestari, slow down! It's not a problem. I'm actually just sitting home playing 2K, so I can pick him up and bring him to my house and you can get him from here. Am I still on the authorized pick up list?" Today I couldn't be annoyed
at his refusal to call me Star. I was too thankful to call him out on it.
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Kabe. That sounds like a plan and yes, you're still on the list. Right after daycare he has to have a snack of apples and peanut butter, so if you have to buy it, I will reimburse you when I get there. Thanks again Kabir, I will see you in about 45-minutes."
The sigh of relief I breathed was just as powerful as Kabe's voice was in my car a few moments ago. Since that crisis was averted, I really needed to think long and hard about why I keep dropping the ball on such important things. Lately, my mind has been all over the place. I didn’t want to think about the why right now,
so instead I focused on the details of Karter’s upcoming party.
Fortunately, I was blessed enough to still live at home; so my parents agreed that they would take care of all of the cleaning and prep work and my older sister Zafirah would disown me if I let anyone else come in to decorate. I just need to send her the party theme. Karter has been obsessed with ‘Baby Shark’ and all those dumb ass YouTube videos with 8 million remixes of the same song. As a matter of fact, while I am getting the details to Zafirah, I need to ask her if Troy knows someone who can DJ, that way we can have a mixture of music and avoid the risk of someone committing suicide from Baby Shark overload.
Time has simultaneously flown by and gone so slow all at the same time to the
point that I can’t believe I’ve been Karter’s mom for almost five years. I know every parent thinks their child is the greatest, but seriously, The Creator looked out when he decided to bless me with Karter. He was such a quiet and observant baby that sometimes I secretly thought he may have had some developmental issues because he barely made a peep. But in hindsight, I think God knew I needed peace during that time due to everything I was dealing with from getting pregnant while in college to accepting that I wouldn’t have Kareem.
My parents surprisingly took the news well that their youngest daughter would be the first to make them grandparents. In all actuality, my two older sisters took it the hardest and honestly, I still struggle with not disappointing them. Olympia, the oldest of our brood, is ten years my senior, but she’s always been a role model and someone I trusted. I can still remember the look on her face when Kareem and I sat my entire family down and told them that we were expecting.
As I sat in the stop and go Atlanta traffic, memories of that day came flooding back as if it was yesterday.
“Expecting what?” Olympia said with so much disgust in her voice. I knew she understood what we were saying, but it was almost as if she wanted to humiliate us.
“Expecting a baby, Olympia. What did you think we meant, a puppy?” I wanted to slap the shit out of her, but I settled for a serious side eye.
“Wow, so you go to college on a full academic scholarship, yet you obviously weren’t smart enough to know how to use birth control? You had so many options...
pills, shots, condoms, the list goes on. You already know all of this Star, we’ve always talked to you about making smart choices. And Kareem Carter, what did your mom say? You know how hard she works to make sure you have everything you need. Why would you guys do this to us?” She barely took a breath during her rant and that’s when I knew. She really was hurt and disappointed.
“OK, Olympia. That’s enough,” that came from my dad as he tried to steer the
conversation away from her rant. “I know it’s not ideal, but it’s already happening and we just need to be prepared and help out Kareem and Star as best as we can.”
“Thanks, Mr. Champ. I swear to you that Star is not and will not do this alone.
You have my word.”
Kareem said that with so much conviction. So much for his word. I was back in my car sitting in traffic as that thought both pissed me off and warmed me because I know Kareem wouldn’t say anything that wasn’t the truth. Unfortunately, that was a promise he couldn’t keep and my dad advising the family to support us was much more necessary than any of us could have prepared for.
About seven months after that conversation on a dreary Saturday evening, I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful, 7lb.,6oz, baby boy - Karter Kareem Champion. Ameka held one leg, while my mom held the other and Olympia and Zafirah filled in wherever they were needed. I would not have been able to do anything over these last five years without the best support system a girl could ask for. I was even more thankful to Kabir for keeping his word and being there whenever Karter or I needed him. A thought came to my mind as I got closer to his house. I would invite him to take part in the planning of Karter’s 5th birthday party as a way of thanks! I’ll ask him once I get to his house in a few minutes.
Kabe lived in a beautiful subdivision in Sandy Springs that was walking distance
from a shopping center that had every store imaginable. He sent me a text with the gate code, which I was thankful for because I can never remember it, and once I pulled in I was able to park directly in front of his townhome. I grabbed the apples, bananas, and peanut butter that I stopped to get just in case Kabe didn’t have a chance to get any from the store. I thought I could hear Karter laughing boisterously once I stepped out of the car but believed it must have been my imagination since he is normally very quiet. Honestly, I didn’t think he was even capable of getting that loud. Before I could make it to the door, the blinds opened and a very smiley Karter peeked out and was telling Kabir, "Mommy! KB, mommy is here. Open da door for her.”
The Rise of a Champ by Twyla B. Stone is Available Now! Purchase here!
TEASER # 3: Ameka - A TRUE CHAMPION (Coming Soon)
"Dammit!" I knew no one could hear me as I was in the car alone, but I felt the
need to voice my frustration even if only to myself. Once again I forgot to arrange for Karter to be picked up from daycare. Usually, my sister and bestie by default, Ameka, as on Karter pickup duty, but she informed me weeks ago that she had an important meeting and wouldn't be able to do it today. I knew my other sisters were out of the question as their schedule didn't allow for any last minute add ons like this. Sheesh, what was the purpose of having three older sisters and both my parents if they couldn't help out in an emergency?
Times like this really made me feel the effects of being a single mom, even if it was out of my control as to why I was in this situation. Thinking about Kareem's
absence over the last five years automatically made my mind go to Kabir. He did tell me to call him if I ever needed anything, and he was sort of like Karter's Godfather. I mean, this does qualify as an emergency since there was no way I would make it clear across town in enough time to get to Karter before the childcare center closed and it was near Kabir's house.
When the call connected, his deep voice filled the space of my car. "Hey Kabe, it's me Star. Sorry to call you at the last minute, but is there any way possible you could pick up Karter from daycare? It's 5:40 and he has to be picked up by 6:00 and there's no way I will make it to that side of town in time." I got everything out in one breath and hoped that he was able to understand and pick up on the urgency in my voice.
"Mestari, slow down! It's not a problem. I'm actually just sitting home playing 2K, so I can pick him up and bring him to my house and you can get him from here. Am I still on the authorized pick up list?" Today I couldn't be annoyed
at his refusal to call me Star. I was too thankful to call him out on it.
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Kabe. That sounds like a plan and yes, you're still on the list. Right after daycare he has to have a snack of apples and peanut butter, so if you have to buy it, I will reimburse you when I get there. Thanks again Kabir, I will see you in about 45-minutes."
The sigh of relief I breathed was just as powerful as Kabe's voice was in my car a few moments ago. Since that crisis was averted, I really needed to think long and hard about why I keep dropping the ball on such important things. Lately, my mind has been all over the place. I didn’t want to think about the why right now,
so instead I focused on the details of Karter’s upcoming party.
Fortunately, I was blessed enough to still live at home; so my parents agreed that they would take care of all of the cleaning and prep work and my older sister Zafirah would disown me if I let anyone else come in to decorate. I just need to send her the party theme. Karter has been obsessed with ‘Baby Shark’ and all those dumb ass YouTube videos with 8 million remixes of the same song. As a matter of fact, while I am getting the details to Zafirah, I need to ask her if Troy knows someone who can DJ, that way we can have a mixture of music and avoid the risk of someone committing suicide from Baby Shark overload.
Time has simultaneously flown by and gone so slow all at the same time to the
point that I can’t believe I’ve been Karter’s mom for almost five years. I know every parent thinks their child is the greatest, but seriously, The Creator looked out when he decided to bless me with Karter. He was such a quiet and observant baby that sometimes I secretly thought he may have had some developmental issues because he barely made a peep. But in hindsight, I think God knew I needed peace during that time due to everything I was dealing with from getting pregnant while in college to accepting that I wouldn’t have Kareem.
My parents surprisingly took the news well that their youngest daughter would be the first to make them grandparents. In all actuality, my two older sisters took it the hardest and honestly, I still struggle with not disappointing them. Olympia, the oldest of our brood, is ten years my senior, but she’s always been a role model and someone I trusted. I can still remember the look on her face when Kareem and I sat my entire family down and told them that we were expecting.
As I sat in the stop and go Atlanta traffic, memories of that day came flooding back as if it was yesterday.
“Expecting what?” Olympia said with so much disgust in her voice. I knew she understood what we were saying, but it was almost as if she wanted to humiliate us.
“Expecting a baby, Olympia. What did you think we meant, a puppy?” I wanted to slap the shit out of her, but I settled for a serious side eye.
“Wow, so you go to college on a full academic scholarship, yet you obviously weren’t smart enough to know how to use birth control? You had so many options...
pills, shots, condoms, the list goes on. You already know all of this Star, we’ve always talked to you about making smart choices. And Kareem Carter, what did your mom say? You know how hard she works to make sure you have everything you need. Why would you guys do this to us?” She barely took a breath during her rant and that’s when I knew. She really was hurt and disappointed.
“OK, Olympia. That’s enough,” that came from my dad as he tried to steer the
conversation away from her rant. “I know it’s not ideal, but it’s already happening and we just need to be prepared and help out Kareem and Star as best as we can.”
“Thanks, Mr. Champ. I swear to you that Star is not and will not do this alone.
You have my word.”
Kareem said that with so much conviction. So much for his word. I was back in my car sitting in traffic as that thought both pissed me off and warmed me because I know Kareem wouldn’t say anything that wasn’t the truth. Unfortunately, that was a promise he couldn’t keep and my dad advising the family to support us was much more necessary than any of us could have prepared for.
About seven months after that conversation on a dreary Saturday evening, I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful, 7lb.,6oz, baby boy - Karter Kareem Champion. Ameka held one leg, while my mom held the other and Olympia and Zafirah filled in wherever they were needed. I would not have been able to do anything over these last five years without the best support system a girl could ask for. I was even more thankful to Kabir for keeping his word and being there whenever Karter or I needed him. A thought came to my mind as I got closer to his house. I would invite him to take part in the planning of Karter’s 5th birthday party as a way of thanks! I’ll ask him once I get to his house in a few minutes.
Kabe lived in a beautiful subdivision in Sandy Springs that was walking distance
from a shopping center that had every store imaginable. He sent me a text with the gate code, which I was thankful for because I can never remember it, and once I pulled in I was able to park directly in front of his townhome. I grabbed the apples, bananas, and peanut butter that I stopped to get just in case Kabe didn’t have a chance to get any from the store. I thought I could hear Karter laughing boisterously once I stepped out of the car but believed it must have been my imagination since he is normally very quiet. Honestly, I didn’t think he was even capable of getting that loud. Before I could make it to the door, the blinds opened and a very smiley Karter peeked out and was telling Kabir, "Mommy! KB, mommy is here. Open da door for her.”
The Rise of a Champ by Twyla B. Stone is Available Now! Purchase here!
TEASER # 3: Ameka - A TRUE CHAMPION (Coming Soon)

I planted my feet in front of my floor to ceiling office window and peered at the towering skyscrapers neighboring our building. The joys of being on the 38th floor and around a bunch of stores and restaurants was always a dream of mine. That’s why I made sure my company, ARC Marketing & Branding Firm, was in a location that was up and coming. “Eh ehem,” a voice growled. I looked back and noticed my little sister, Mestari, strutting in my direction wearing a form-fitting dress with her curly honey blond hair sitting on her shoulders.
“Hey Star!” I shouted. But my words were barely out when she squeezed me in a tight embrace, placing a kiss to my cheek. I pulled back with my brow raised, trying to figure out why she was so hyped early in the morning. The fact that
she’s VP of People & Customer Success at my firm, I’d expect her to be the last one with so much energy, she always had to be ‘on’ so I was happy to get a hug from her. For the past few weeks, her workload had been heavier since our client list was increasing, which reminded me, we needed to hire a few more team members.
“I missed you. You have been gone for a whole week. But Karter misses you the most.”
I squeezed her back, “Aww, I miss you too, but you know I miss my nephew more.” Star rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. She made her way to my desk and sat in my chair. “How was your leadership meeting? Found you a man?”
I laughed throwing my hands into my chest. “Girl, I don’t have time for dating in my life. Do you see the growth of our company?”
“Our company?”
“Yeah sis, I mean I own this company, but I consider you a major part of the success of the business. I couldn’t have done this by myself.” I moved away from the window and shut the door to keep people from eavesdropping. “Even though we’re sisters and tell each other everything, you worked hard as hell to earn your position. I wouldn’t have anyone else in your spot. I trust your insight. But I am concerned about you, sis! What’s going on?”
Star’s chest heaved up and down in exaggeration. She seemed so annoyed lately and her focus was all over the place. Her head dropped to the enormous semicircular stoned table. “Come on Meka not today.” Abruptly her coral pumps clicked against the hard surface flooring as she rose up. “We’ll talk about it later, right now we have other hurdles to conquer.”
Dancing around her problem would be her route out today, but there was no way I would let her leave work without explaining. “What hurdles, Star?” I leaned my butt onto the desk and watched her pace the office.
“Atlanta Vultures Basketball team.” She signaled with her dainty fingers. “We have our official meeting in two hours. Thinking about the enormity of the project is stressing me out a little.”
“Star, why didn’t you say something sooner? What can I do to help?” I was shocked that she didn’t talk to me about it.
“Actually, you can join me at the upcoming Vultures game. That’ll help.”
A True Champion by Donnia Marie Coming Soon! Text DONNIA to 33777 to join her list to receive updates and information on new releases.
TEASER #4: Olympia - THE CHAMP IS HERE (Coming Soon)

Chapter 1: Olympia
This is not the way I imagined my Monday morning starting off. Usually, it began with my mom and I having a cup of tea and catching on our weekend as if we didn’t talk daily. Instead, I was in the conference room at Champions of Hope preparing to fire my first employee. In the five years I’ve been in business, I’ve never had an employee that lived to make my life a living hell like Sara Williamson did. She was fresh out of nursing school when I hired her on a recommendation from one of my trusted former colleagues, and the only reason why
she stayed around that long was because I really
wanted to help her get to the next level in her career. But as the saying goes… you can’t help evr’ybody!
I took the chance to go over the notes I’ve memorized like my name over the last week since I decided to
let Sara go.
Ensure that the employee is not surprised. He/She should already know they were performing below standard.
Check. Sara has been called in regarding her performance several times. She failed to
meet the minimum goals of the job.
Be clear and concise.
Check. I have an itemized list of her excessive absenteeism and her write ups from breaking the code of conduct.
Have a witness.
Check. I have two. My mom, Athena Champion, who is our office manager and will take notes and my right-hand girl, Kia, who is our HR Director.
Make sure your actions are legal.
Check. This was the first thing I did after deciding to fire her. My one-woman legal team was nothing to mess with. I guess I eventually needed to go through this as a CEO, but dammit, why did it have to be her
Be prepared for emotion, but keep yours in check.
Check. If she tried it, security would be escorting Ms. Sara back to her car before she can even think about causing a scene. Plus, today was not the day to mess with me.
It was a few months away from my 35th birthday and things weren’t coming together in life or for my party like I needed them to. I was a walking billboard for Murphy’s Law. Every gotdamn thing was going wrong and I couldn’t stay ahead of the disasters no matter how hard I tried. So, more than anything, I was pissed
that Sara put me in this predicament when she has so many people rooting for her. What a waste.
After a few minutes alone with my notes and lukewarm tea, my mom and Kia walked in with their notepads and serious faces. Sara did not want smoke with any of us today. We did not come to play. Security sent me a text moments later to say that Sara was on her way up. We had just a minute or two to finalize
the details before Sara made it to the 11th floor.
Champions of Care is a staffing agency housed in a new, modern, twenty-eight floor building on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. I signed a lease for this office space for ten years and am currently
five years into it. The space sold me with its open concept reception area, one large conference room, one large communal work area and two huddle/call rooms inside the communal space. This was the perfect space for me as I didn’t have more than
three employees as permanent
office staff, but I needed a home base where my staff nurses could come for trainings and meetings. The best part about this building was that it was walking distance from my condo. Especially since I hated to drive. This eliminated that problem, plus having to find parking.
Sara walked in looking wary and her body language was already defensive before any of us had even uttered a word. “Umm, hey. I got an email from Kia about this meeting. What’s up?”
“Have a seat, Sara. As you know, you were on a corrective action plan, and it ended yesterday.” Ensure that the employee is not surprised
. He/She should already know they were performing below standard. Ok, she wasn’t surprised
by me bringing that up. I proceeded, “According to your plan, you were not to exceed two additional absences, in addition to
following the code of conduct you signed on off for Champions of Care and The Abagail Center.” Be clear and concise. “I have Kia here as our HR Director, and Mrs. Champion as our witness and notetaker
. Feel free to stop
me at any time
if you have any
questions.” Have a witness.
“Olympia, you don’t need to
drag this out. Are you firing me?” Homegirl was getting snippy. I would not let her take control of this meeting. Kia was to the left of me and made a sound to clear her throat as if she was offering me a reminder to stay on track. Mommy had yet to say a word.
“Sara. I want to make sure you understand everything. Unfortunately, our contract as staff nurses requires us to terminate
any licensed nurse who breaks the code of ethics. You did that when you were caught
leaving a dementia patient outside unattended to talk on the phone.” Make sure your actions are legal.
“But she was right there. I didn’t even walk far.” Sara was raising her voice and that caused both Kia and my mom to stop writing and look at me. I was cool though. “They are lying. I asked them for proof and they still haven’t shown me anything.”
“I hear you. You have a right to request that information. I will be sure to
send you what they sent me. According to Abagail house, you being away from the patient for two minutes was not acceptable. And for that reason,
we have to terminate
you effective immediately.” Be prepared for emotion, but keep yours in check.
The rest of the meeting went on with Sara denying her role in her own demise, as well as
some HR feedback from Kia. Unfortunately, we would not be able to
provide her with a positive reference for future employment and it would go on her permanent record. Once we got her out of the office, the three of us went out for a long lunch and talked about everything except what just happened. Just as I expected, my birthday party was the hot topic and my mom said that my sister Zafirah would be willing to
help me out.
At five o'clock
on the dot, I started making my way home, wishing that I had someone waiting on me, not a permanent fixture, so to speak. Just someone who could help me get rid of the stressors that have been having me tense and anxiety filled lately. I guess I could call up one of my ole’ trusty dudes to do the job, but I didn’t feel like a whole of talking, and none of them could be trusted
to just do the deed and leave. Oh well, I guess me and my dog, Mags, will have to take a nice, long, walk followed by a nice glass of wine and some ratchet TV. But I was ok with that. Year thirty-five would bring me more excitement. I was putting
that out into the universe and wishing it into existence.
The Champ is Here by Twyla B. Stone is Coming Soon! Text TWYLA to 345345 to join the list to receive updates and information on new releases.
Any updates on this series?
ReplyDeleteMichelle, I literally just copied and pasted from a reply I just gave to another person… please read… Apologies for the late reply. I am on the last 4 chapters of the book 3 and Twyla B. Stone is almost complete with her book (4) as well. The goal is to have a release this August. However be sure to sub because we will be dropping teasers shortly!
DeleteWill the Champion Sister series continue
ReplyDeleteYes, the goal is to have both book 3 and 4 out in August🤗
DeleteAny updates on this series?
ReplyDeleteApologies for the late reply. I am on the last 4 chapters of the book 3 and Twyla B. Stone is almost complete with her book (4) as well. The goal is to have a release this August. However be sure to sub because we will be dropping teasers shortly!
ReplyDeleteJust be sure to text DONNIA to 474747 to get an automatic notification for when the book drops and as always you can read snippets and get visuals at